What to expect at your first consultation
The OptiVein Team has established a team approach to all venous and lymphatics disorders. They have been thoughtfully developed using international guidelines and research evaluations in order to completely manage each individual patient and also contribute to research in South Africa. Venous and Lymphatic research in South Africa is very far behind as opposed to first world countries, and these protocols, along with frequent communication with the vein clinic in New York and with other venous surgeons in the UK and Europe, can improve South Africa’s stance on venous and lymphatic management.
Personal Interview
The initial consultation is directed at your present symptoms, your overall health and what your major concerns are. You may be going through either route of initially seeing Dr Redman or attending the Vein Clinic. Either way your case will be thoroughly assessed and individualised and finally assessed by Dr Redman who will finalise the appropriate treatment plan. The team all manage different aspects of patient assessment and investigation and the team are all knowledgeable and well equipped in managing venous and lymphatic disease. However, the final decision is always made by Dr Redman, after a team discussion.
You will undergo a detailed physical examination. This includes picture taking of the relevant affected areas.
Should your interview and examination suggest venous disease, you will have a detailed ultrasound. This is a full superficial vein and deep vein ultrasound. It will involve you standing up and lying down. To fully diagnose venous disease this full exam needs to be undertaken which will take 30-45 minutes. (See more on the examination). If you have cosmetic spider veins only, a less detailed ultrasound examination may or may not be performed.
Patient Education
Your condition and ultrasound findings will be discussed with you as well as treatment options. A treatment plan will be developed that is tailor-made to your symptoms and lifestyle.
Treatment Options
These may include any of the listed or options or a combination thereof:- Compression
- Medical management
- Endovenous treatment: MechanoChemical Ablation (MOCA), Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), Veneseal, Flebogriff and laser
- Ambulatory Micro-Phlebectomy
- Foam Sclerotherapy
- Liquid Sclerotherapy
- Debulking Liposuction
- Support Groups
- Wound care
- Lipoedema management: Manual Lymph Drainage, Taping, Body brushing, NIR, Blood work up, Homecare plan
- Lymphoedema management: Complete Decongestive Therapy, Manual Lymph Drainage, Bio compression Machine, Homecare plan
- In theatre cases: IntraVascular UltraSound, Venogram and Vein stenting, Ovarian Vein Embolization, Alcohol Sclerosant, Coil Embolization and glue
- Bloods, X-Rays
You will be informed of treatment preparation and what to expect on the day of your treatment as well as what happens afterwards by one of the team members. If bloods, x-rays or other investigations are performed, then one of the team will call you with these results.
Zoom Consults / Email Consults
Zoom and Email consults are available for those who live far or prefer not to travel to the hospital. A form will be sent for you to be filled pre-consultation and you will be asked to send photos through. Thereafter a zoom a consult will be conducted with Dr Redman and a treatment plan pre-empted. You may still need to physically come in for a scan but this can also be arranged in location more convenient for you if you are from afar.

Ultrasound scanning