Optimise your vein and lymph health from cutting edge surgery to cellular nutrition with Specialist Vascular Surgeon and Team.
The essence of OptiVein is a unique combination of westernised up to date cutting edge surgical intervention with holistic healing and wellness from the cellular level.

Vein Conditions
Vein Conditions




Do you want to visit our clinic?

Dr Gareth Tjasink
Plastic Surgeon

Dr Laura Redman
Vascular and General Specialist Surgeon

Dr Gavin Jones

Dr Angela Dell
General Surgeon and Transplant Surgeon

Gcina Seleteng
Vascular Clinical Technologist

Jenna-Lee Garbers
Therapeutic Massage & LAOSA Lymphoedema Therapist

Nomatter Musakanyi
Massage Therapist
What are the main causes of varicose veins?
Varicose veins are genetic and run in families. There is a change in the ratio of
collagen to elastin in a vein wall which weakens the wall and it dilates. Veins carry
blood out of the leg and back to the heart against gravity. They therefore have valves
within in them to prevent backflow of blood. When a vein dilates, these valves become incompetent and blood refluxes or ‘backflows’ into the leg.
Can lymphoedema be treated?
Yes, lymphoedema can be managed conservatively with lymph drainage and compression and debulking liposuction can also be done to reduce bulk.
Is there any evidence of IV therapy?
There are no randomised controlled trials for or against IV therapy and there are unlikely to ever be. The rationale for IV therapy from the OptiVein Team is based on the fact that in today’s lifestyle we may not get all the nutrients we should from food because: 1. The mineral content of soil has changed and thus the plants grown 2. Depending on the food source of meat there is a huge discrepancy in vitamins, minerals and omega’s in meat and meat products (eggs, milk, cheese) Even if the correct food choices are made (e.g butter over margarine), one may not absorb the vitamins and minerals due to: 1. A combination of foods that reduce absorption (e.g iron (meat) and calcium (dairy)) 2. Medications and the side effects thereof 3. A change in the gut microbiome Although some inflammation and oxidative stress is necessary this needs to be in balance - Lifestyle and poor food choices (fast foods, preservatives, refined sugars) may result in an increase in inflammation and oxidative stress. It is known that stressed individuals, elderly, athletes and women who diet often have micronutrient deficiencies.
OptiVein Office:
+27-21-201 1119
Optivein Address:
Suite 1410 & 1413 Christiaan Barnard
Memorial Hospital, Foreshore,
Cape Town, 8001
(Corner of DF Malan Street and
Rua Bartholemeu Dias Plain)
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